Creative Approach
THE C WORD is unlike any other film that tackles our existential threat of global warming. It is surprising. It is revealing. It is a history we have all lived, but barely registered. THE C WORD offers a clear, unequivocal exposé of the power that disinformation wields on the geopolitical stage.
By relying exclusively on archive we don’t allow talking heads to ponder on what, looking back, now appears clear. Instead, we take our audience to the most important deceptions in the history of humanity by delivering them directly to the flashpoint. This film takes us into the boardrooms, forums, lear jets and strategy meetings where business leaders created a narrative that we had nothing to fear from coal and gas. It was dubious science and scaremongering that would harm us. And they won the day.
This film won’t just carry us on a firm narrative arc, it will offer up an emotional arc – hitting us right in the solar plexus with the realisation that for decades we’ve been very deliberately mislead.
THE C WORD will not rely on the typical images associated with climate change, as this is foremost a film about the human condition and the power of propaganda. The archive in the film reflects the spoils of our own progress to demonstrate how we, clever humans, can be carried by the tide of ideas – blind to whose interests we serve.
We will play with images of wealth, excess and our belt unbuckling love of consumption: tracking, as a visual timeline, the growth of everything we call ‘progress’: the exponential growth of cars, caravans, burgers, bathrooms, satellites, air conditioning systems, dinner plates and our waistlines.
We will use archive of advertising campaigns and emerging social media that now, looking back, offers a fascinating window into the evolution of propaganda. Its beginnings are so unsophisticated. Disinformation has come a long way.
We’ll watch characters age, see them stumble and double down. They’re people we know – the world’s political leaders, scientists, environmentalists and even the odd celebrity – Thunberg, Bush Jnr, Bush Snr, Thatcher, DiCaprio, Carter, Suzuki, Trump, Sagan, Attenborough, Gore, Reagan, Putin, DeGrasse Tyson, and more.
Music is vital and ours will be soaring and playful. It will mimic the theatre of the absurd that plays out in political forums, where propaganda sounds like gospel.
Hope and respect are also important elements in our vision for this film. People are now doing extraordinary things to turn around the time we have squandered, and the audience will be inspired to rise with them at the conclusion of the film – now debate, as the film squarely indicates, is over and action is our catch cry.